The site could not be reported
Step 1
Thank you for proposing the addition of this site. If the site is approved, with your consent, your name will be visible on the platform to highlight your contribution, but your contact information will remain confidential.
Step 2
A vulnerable site can be a building, an ensemble, a public square, a work of art, a view or a landscape. It must be located in the Greater Montreal area and be subject to perceived threats.
Step 3
Please select the appropriate threat(s) to the site.
Step 4 (Optionnal)
Do you have more information on this site? Fill in the optional fields below. Please note that the more complete the form is, the easier it will be to inspire collective action later on. Thank you for your commitment and the care you take in this exercise. It is not mandatory to fill out these fields to complete the process.
The site could not be reported